I wanted to start this blog to tell the anecdotes of my life, but I left you all with a cliff hanger almost 2 months ago. I could give you the very valid excuse that I've been busy with new customers coming online at work, but that feels like a cop out. So let me give you Cliff Notes version as a catch up.
The car was only down for one week. The day after the accident, Enterprise switched us out of the Delivery Van and into a Nissan Sentra. Nice ride, but not really my size. State Farm completely covered the repair, so we threw in some maintenance work while it was in the shop. The Malibu ended up coming back to us in better condition than before the accident.

Jenny and I filed our taxes in late February and got a sizable return due to the First-Time Home Buyer's credit. I've got to thank President Bush for getting that one through congress. The return allowed us to each get new computers. Jenny got a little pink Netbook from Dell, and I built a cool looking powerhouse for gaming and development. The return also helped us make some much needed repairs around the new house. We gave a list a mile long to our plumber friend, and bought paint for every room.
I decided to do something significant for Lent this year. The Church I attend doesn't make a big deal about the forty days of Lent, but I still try to use the time to make myself a better person and a better follower of Christ. This year I decided to do quite a serious fast. I didn't give up food altogether, as that is reckless and dangerous for a 40 day period. I did reduce my intake to one meal of my choosing each day. Jenny worried about my health, and encouraged me to supplement my single meal with juice. I took her advice and started drinking V8 Splash and V-Fusion during the mealtimes I skipped each day. The goal of the fast is to improve my Bible study. I have not seen as much improvement in the quantity of study as I originally planned, but the quality of study has made a marked increase so far. There are two more weeks until Easter, which will mark the end of my physical hunger and hopefully a continued hunger for the Bread of Life.
I think that covers the major bullet points of the last two months. I hope to write more frequently in the near future. In fact, check back this Thursday as I will have a scheduled post telling of my April Fool's Day joke program for this year.