Jenny went out for a little bit of Black Friday shopping early on Friday morning. She returned home shortly after I decided to roll my lazy (read long weekend) self out of bed. She told me right away about buying Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End for a meager 6 dollars. I quickly asked if we had to wait for Christmas to watch it. She said we didn't have to wait to which I quickly responded we couldn't watch the third movie without watching the first two. So we did. When the three films had finished, I jokingly asked which trilogy we would watch on Saturday. When she suggested Back to the Future, I was sold on the idea of finishing my lazy weekend watching that on Saturday and the Austin Powers trilogy on Sunday. It was almost like our own private film festival. Nine films in 3 days is so much fun for me.
As a side note, Back to the Future: Part III features steam locomotives in its old west setting and I actively noticed certain things about the movement and control of trains that I have learned at work. Wheels slipping when the train leaves the station, pulling the pin to uncouple the passenger cars, and other train subtleties stood out to me as being accurately portrayed. I might be coming down with a case of Trainitis.
For more information on each film, check out The Internet Movie Database by clicking below

